Sunday, September 30, 2012


         I was with Amber McAllister and Joeph Albers, we were group seven. First of all, we have become a group when the teacher asked all of us in class to check on our blogs; and find classmates with who we had the same topic. Only three of us had this topic "writing to get a job". Then we decided to form one group of three people.
       Secondly, we decided to talk about how to write a resume and cover letters. My group and I wanted to add other things that can be included when writing to get a job. Unfortunaly, we did not because there were many groups. We had to use our time wisely and have a presentation that is well done. The reason that we talked about these two written documents, the resume and cover letters is because, they are the most important documents to provide when applying for a job. As a group we have done our research online; where we had found three sources that were helpful for the group presentation. Through those sources, our group had learnt how to write a resume and cover letters. A resume is a written document used to provive our background, career, skills,education, and references. We had also learnt that there are three main resume styles which are the chronological, functional and hybrid resume. In addition to a reume, there are cover letters that should be roughly three paragrphs long. In our cover leters, we must tell the employer the reason why we are applying for the job and explain why we think that we will be good for that particular position. After we had all the information concerning our group presentation; we divided our tasks  between us. I was in charge of writing the introduction and conclusion while my two group members were in charge of writing the details about the resume and cover letters. Once we were done, we combined everything into one blog and read together as a group. We took our time to read from the biginning to the end, just to make sure that there were no grammar, spelling and other mistakes.
     Finally, we had to find out who was going to be the first, second and last speaker. According to the work we have done, there were three different parts for our presentation. The first part was the introduction. We decided that I was going to be the first speaker because the introduction is alway in the biginning. The second part was the development where we had a reume and cover letters. Between both of them the resume is the first thing to do when writing to get a job. Then we decided that Amber was going to be our second speaker and Joseph as the third speaker. We also decided that the first speaker will conclude the group presentation. After all, we spend the rest of our time practicing before the professor started listening to group presentations.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    1)  I chose this book because of its tittle; I would like to know about the closing of great war in 1918.
   2) The book has two authors.
   3) At The Eleventh Hour Refflections, Hopes and Anxieties at the closing  of the Great War, 1918
   4)The book was printed by redwood books Ltd. second edition in 1998.
   5) The book was printed in Trowbrigde, England.

          I chose this book because of its tittle; I wanted to learn more about the closing war of 1918. Whenever I hear about the word war, it makes me sad. I came from a country that had been destroyed by a civil war. But the good news about this book is, it has many information that can motivate people to stop fighting.The book was written by Hugh Cecil and HLiddle and the tittle is, "At The Eleventh Hour Reflections, hopes and Anxiessties at the closing of War in 1918". It was printed by redwood books in 1998 in England. In this book " The government's food policy saw to it that the food-suply was solved by the end of 1919." ( Hugh Cecil and Peter HLidle 117 ) this shows that where there is war; people face starvation.


         Hugh Cecil, and peter HLiddle. At The Eleven Hour Reflections, Hope and Anxiesties at the Closing of the great War, 1918. England: Twobridge, 1998. print

Friday, September 21, 2012

Group Presentation

 Amber McAllister, Chancelvie Louzolo and Joseph Albers..

Monday, September 17, 2012

Resumes and Cover Letters.

Our topic is "Write to get a job" We chose this topic because after graduation, we all be looking for jobs. In this case, is it very important for students to know the right way of writing when looking for a job. Therefore,we will be talking about how to write a resume and cover letters.

A resume is written document used to highlight your background and your skill set. You want your resume to grab the employers’ attention, in order to secure a future interview. In order to do this, your resume should be appealing to the eye and informative. Some ways to make your resume appealing to the eye, it should have an effective format. Invest time into the format and make it clear, concise, and to the point. Another way to make your resume appealing to the eye is using a readable typeface. This includes the size and font of the resumes. The three main resume styles are chronological, functional and hybrid. The resume should also be informative, by using your identification, career, education, honors, and your references. In addition to a resume, you also need a cover letter.
Cover letters are a very important piece to writing a resume. They cover many things. The main reason for a cover letter is to explain why you are sending the resume. With your cover letter you need to be very specific. Make it clear to the employer what you are looking to get out of the opportunity they are offering. Let them know that you have also done your research on the company. You do not want to go in for an interview with no knowledge what so ever. Also let them know how you found out about the opportunity. The cover letter will be read first, so make it count. Give them some knowledge about your background; show them you are qualified for what they are looking for. Show them your attitude, personality, motivation, enthusiasm, and communication skills. Make sure that you cover everything that was on the application that was not included in your resume. Cover letters should be roughly three paragraphs long. In the first one indicate why you are applying, and tell them about yourself. In the second one explain to them why you are interested and why they should consider you. And in the final paragraph make it known that you would like an interview or to speak to someone about the position. Also you need to make sure that you have your signature on the hard copy. Cover letters usually fall into two categories, applying for a specific job or to see if there are any openings. If you receive a follow up, make sure you send them a letter back saying thank and explaining why you would be a god candidate for the open position.
In conclusion, it is very important for all students to know how to write a resume and cover letters; because after graduation we will all be seeking for jobs. Put in your mind that an employer receives many applications but when your resume and cover letters are well done, you will have a chance to get a job interview. Hopefully this information will be beneficial for all of you when applying for a job.




Saturday, September 15, 2012

Write to get a job!

 My topic is "write to get a job" After graduation, college students will be looking for jobs. There are many thing that people should do to help them find a job.

1- Find a position or job you are looking for.

2- Find the company you are interest in working for.
a-Find out about what the company wants.
b- The benefit does the company offer.

3-Create a resume.
a- Contact information and work history
b-Education and personal information

4-Create a cover letter.
a-Interest and qualifications.
b-Experiences and skills.
c-Benefits by hiring you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

 List of things for the story in the box.

1) Ruler
2) Money
10) Canoe
11) Chestnut
12) Donkey
13) Villa

Monday, September 10, 2012

I am chancelvie


     My name is Chancelvie Louzolo, I am a christian and I am from Republic of Congo. I have been living in the United Stated for more than three years. I like living here but the truth is that i hate winter season because there is a lot of snow that that make the road slippery and cause many car accidents. I came from a large family, I have seven siblings. I love all of them all and really miss them. I am so glad to be a student at St Cloud State. My major is community health, the fisrt  reason that I chose  this major is because I am an easy going person , I get a long with people.  Secondly, I always feel bad when people are sick. I know that I will not be a doctor to treat people who are sick, but I believe that with a community health degree; I will be able to communicate with people who are sick and also give them some advices. For instance, if someone has HIV, I would tell the person what to do according to  her or his situation. The good news about this major is also, to alert healthy people in the community about any kind of desease that is killing people around the world. Sometimes people can have information about the desease but the saddest thing is that human being neglect a lot of things. On the other hand, in poor countries many people are not informed about what is happening around the world are the their country. This will be a good apportunity for me to inform them; and give them some methods which will be helpful to them to avoid many deseases.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The story

            They looked very beautiful, the way that all things were set up on the table, it was just amazing. After looking at everything, there was something that made me think a lot and that thing was the ruler. The ruler was familiar. Unfortunately, I could not remember where i had seen it. Of course it was not from this country because I have never see it in any store. It had taken me almost twenty four hours for me to remember.It was from Africa, I used that kind of ruler when i was in junior high school.
            The second thing on the table was money. Even though the money was from two different countries, the money still seemed to be the same. The shape of it was like quarters; if i put that money together with quarters and close my eyes, I will not be able to find out where each form of money was from.
            The third thing on the table was the wallet. I always have my wallet when I go out, the saddest thing is, it does not have money in it. Two years ago, when I was not a student at St Cloud State, I wanted to catch the bus at the transit center. What happpened was, while I was about to pay, I had found out that there was no money in the wallet. I was so ashamed of myself.
            The fourth thing on the table was the head. There was a lady who thought that her son was sick. She told the doctor that her son's head was getting bigger every year. When the medical report came out, the child's head did not have anything wrong; still the child's mom was not satisfied about the news. She kept going from one doctor to another.
            The fifth thing on the table was the blanket. I hated blankets when I was in my native country. Since I have been living in this counry, it has became the oppposite of what was in the past. Especially in winter season, I cannot sleep if I do not have a blanket. I always ask myself a question to know why we do have blankets in my country. I know that those we do have back home are really light, but we do not need them because it is so hot. There is a season in my country when it is a little bit cold and every night my sister used to cover me with a blanket. I was throwing it away; I was not comfortable with it.
            The sixth thing on the table was the stamp. Most people who like sending mails by post do have many stamps at home.
            The seventh thing on the table was the drummer. Where I have come from it is forbidden for women to drum. Living in the United State and being a student at St Cloud state University, I had learned that there is nothing wrong with women  who want to drum.  The good news is that I had tried it and it was fun.
             The eighth thing on the table was the statue. Creating your own concrete statue is a nice thing to do but can also be challenging. When artists successfully get the shape of the statue that they want, it makes them happy and motivates them to move forward.
             The ninth thing on the table was the bowl. A lot of women use bowls to hold fruits or sugar. Some like bowls because they can serve cereal or soup with them to their children.
             The tenth thing on the table was the canoe. This is something that I would never forget in my life. I was seven years hold when my mom and i had taken a canoe to cross the river. I was so afraid, I thought that I was going to dye. I was screaming until we had gotten to the other side of the river.
             The eleventh thing on the table was the chestnut. One of my friends had told me that she liked the chestnut tree. When I asked her to give me one of the reasons that makes her like it, her answer was that she had no idea. I guess she likes the chestnut tree because nuts are her favorite fruits.
             The twelfth thing on the table was the donkey. My little sister hates donkeys, I had advised her to stop hating them; they did not do anything to hurt her. She replied by saying that no one can convince her to like donkeys.
             Finally, the last thing on the table was the villa. That is my dream to have a villa one day. When I get married and have children, I would like to have the biggest villa then I can have more space and room for my clothes because I like shopping.
            After seing all those things, what came in my mind was wanting  to learn about other cultures because each interesting object was found in different countries. Some of them were familiar to what I had seen in my country.