Sunday, September 30, 2012


         I was with Amber McAllister and Joeph Albers, we were group seven. First of all, we have become a group when the teacher asked all of us in class to check on our blogs; and find classmates with who we had the same topic. Only three of us had this topic "writing to get a job". Then we decided to form one group of three people.
       Secondly, we decided to talk about how to write a resume and cover letters. My group and I wanted to add other things that can be included when writing to get a job. Unfortunaly, we did not because there were many groups. We had to use our time wisely and have a presentation that is well done. The reason that we talked about these two written documents, the resume and cover letters is because, they are the most important documents to provide when applying for a job. As a group we have done our research online; where we had found three sources that were helpful for the group presentation. Through those sources, our group had learnt how to write a resume and cover letters. A resume is a written document used to provive our background, career, skills,education, and references. We had also learnt that there are three main resume styles which are the chronological, functional and hybrid resume. In addition to a reume, there are cover letters that should be roughly three paragrphs long. In our cover leters, we must tell the employer the reason why we are applying for the job and explain why we think that we will be good for that particular position. After we had all the information concerning our group presentation; we divided our tasks  between us. I was in charge of writing the introduction and conclusion while my two group members were in charge of writing the details about the resume and cover letters. Once we were done, we combined everything into one blog and read together as a group. We took our time to read from the biginning to the end, just to make sure that there were no grammar, spelling and other mistakes.
     Finally, we had to find out who was going to be the first, second and last speaker. According to the work we have done, there were three different parts for our presentation. The first part was the introduction. We decided that I was going to be the first speaker because the introduction is alway in the biginning. The second part was the development where we had a reume and cover letters. Between both of them the resume is the first thing to do when writing to get a job. Then we decided that Amber was going to be our second speaker and Joseph as the third speaker. We also decided that the first speaker will conclude the group presentation. After all, we spend the rest of our time practicing before the professor started listening to group presentations.

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