Sunday, October 7, 2012

3 Countries

    I have chosen three countries for my interview; the fisrt country is China, the second is India and the third is Vietman.
    I chose China because I would like talk about the child policy.
    China is the most populous country in the world. The inrease of population in China had made the government to legislate against the desire of having more than one child. Having many people in a country is good but sometimes it cauces many problems among the population. That is why I would like to learn more about this country and its child policy. It is really sad to see many couples who are  living in China whom would like to have more than two children, but cannot do it. For Chinese people who violate the law, they are punised. Most of the countries around the world, people can have children whenever they would like. Unfortunately, it is not the case for China.
   I chose Indian because I would like to talk about mising girls in Indian and sex selective abortion.

        Indian is the second most populous country in the world. The augmentation of population in India had made the country face gender discrimination . Many little girls over six years have been mising. According to family members, they believe that the government is behind the missing girls because they do not want women to have more girls. On the other hand, parents especially fathers and mothers in law are those who are killing girls. They have a belief that girls means bad luck.
      The laws of Indian do not permit abortion. However, in some cases for a smalll family may have outweighed the desire for a child having of a specific gender, leading to abortions. In this case, they have the MTP that is an act says that an abortion may lawfully be done.

     I chose Vietman because I would like to talk about brides sale.

     Many vietnamese women do not want to get married to vietnamese men. According to those women, getting married to vietnamese men there will  always fancial problem. In addition, men of their native country have drinking problem. Most of them would like to get married to Singapore men because they believe that they are better than vietnamese men.
1)Sex selective Abortion in India: Society, Gender and New Reproductive
2) ONLY HOPE coming of Age Under China's One-Child Policy by Vanessa L. Fong
3) Lonely Planet Vietnam

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