Monday, October 15, 2012

group work

common document on evaluation


1) International students cannot really express themselves because of the language barrier.
2) International students can be a litlle bit afraid because they are not familiar with the interviewer.
3) International students can refuse to be interviewed because they can think that their information can put them in trouble.
4) International students can make an appointment and do not show up the day of the interview.
5) International students can be late the day of the appointment


1) We will get useful information that we cannot get anywhere except from them.
2) learn about their cultures
3) We can learn about international students life.
4) We can learn how international students are strong and independant being away from their families.
5) We can also learn how international students manage their fanancial problems.
6) We can also learn how international students release their stress.

A- Introduction:
Challenges and benefits  students can face when interviewing internationl students

B- Development:


 Interwiewing international students can be a challenge because:
1- language barrier.
2- Being afraid to give information to other students.
3- Refused to be interviewed.


1- Learn  about their culture
2- Learn about internationalstudents life and how to manage their finances

    Do you know what are the challenges and benefits when interviewing international students? St. Cloud State University has a lot of international students. This huge number of foreign students helps us to easily do our interview asignments. It is thuth that our University has a lot of international students. However, interviewing international students can have many challeges such as the language barrier, being afraid to give informatition, refused to be interviewed and also have many benefits in learning about international students cultures, life and how they manage their financial problems.

     International students have the language barrier. Many international students came from non speaking English countries. In this case, it is very hard for some of international students to express themselves easily and clearly during the interview. They understand the questions; but they are not able to respond like the way they could do it in their native languages.

     International students can also be afraid to give information to other students. Some international students might be afraid to be part of the interview because they do not know all about the School rules. Some of international students can think that giving any information to interviewers can put their lives in trouble; also other can believe that something they can say on the the day of the interview; can have negative impact in their students life in the fufure. Being in this position, it will be difficult for the interviewer to convince them or find the person to interview.

     In spite of language barrier and being afraid to give information, international students can refuse to be interviewed. There are some international students who would not like to be intervieweb. Most of those students do not give the reason why they do not want to be intervieweb. In many cases international students always say that they do not think that they can be able to do it. For instance, one of my friends was looking for an international student to interview because she had a research paper, but most of international students she approached refused to be intervied; they did not explain why they would not like to be interviewed.

    Interviewing international students will benefit interviewers to learn about other cultures. Interviewers will learn many things about the cultures of the person they will be interviewing. The good news about this is that interviewers will learn a lot about their culture during the interview that they cannot learn somewhere esle exccept from the person who have been living in that particular  country.

    Interviewing international students will also benefit  interviewers to learn about international students life and how to manage their finances. Many of those international students are way from their parents. This will be a good opportunity for other students who cannot be way from their families; to learn from them how to live without having their families around them. Interviewers will learn about how life is like, when living out of the country. In spite of learning about international students life, Interviewers can learn how international students manage their fanancial problems. Most of internatinal students know how to manage their finances because they had learned it from their parents before they came in this country. International students know how to spend wisely their money. This will be a wonderful occasion for students who do not know how to manage their finances to learn from them.

    In conclusion, Interviewing international students can have many challenges in language barrier, being afraid to give infromation to others, refuse to be interviewed and also have many benefits in learning about their cultures, students life and how to mange their financial problems. The increase of international students at St Cloud State University is very beneficial for all students to do their interview assignment.


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